The Cost of a Board Game: Money

For those of you who don’t follow the blog regularly, I kickstarted my first board game, Corporate America, way back in November of 2012. It’s now July 2013, and I just posted an update to my Kickstarter supporters announcing that the project is complete! I chose to self publish Corporate America for a number of […]

Fungus Design Decisions

Last time, I discussed the design goals that have guided my latest project, a drafting board game about fungus releasing spores from a pile of rotting logs (tentatively called Fungus). Today I’ll describe how those goals have helped shape the game through the iterative design process.

Fungus Design Goals

A few months ago I discussed the many games I’ve been working on since Corporate America went to the printers. I’m happy to tell you that Fungus (still looking for a real name) is one of the games that made the cut! Today I want to discuss the design goals I have for Fungus. I’m […]

Being a Mad Hatter: The Bigger Con

A club wielding warrior prowling the premises; the occasional blood curdling scream of “Kubla!”; more kilts than you can shake a stick at. Have I been transported back to 13th century China (with a touch of Scotland)? Or maybe just back to DunDraCon? No, this is KublaCon! Ever since the Corporate America Kickstarter squeaked by, […]

On the Road

Well hello there! For the past couple of months I’ve been focusing on writing theory posts all about game design, but today I’m going to mix things up a bit and talk about some of the adventures I’ve had recently. Shortly after the Corporate America Kickstarter concluded, I realized I needed to start getting out […]

A Year of Fun and Games

Has it really been a year since I left school to pursue an uncertain life as an independent game designer? My first blog post, where I discuss my thoughts on games as art, was posted a whole year ago, so I guess so! It’s hard to believe it’s already been a year. I have to […]

Prototype Parade Part II

A couple weeks ago, I started discussing the prototypes of Corporate America available to Political Action Committee and Super PAC kickstarter supporters. I only got through the first two, so today I’ll tell you about the remaining two, sharing some stories and design lessons along the way. Playable Version February 25th, 2012. It had been […]

Prototype Parade Part I

Over the past few weeks, I’ve had the privilege of working on one of the more unique rewards for Corporate America Kickstarter supporters: hand made prototypes from various stages in the development of the game. Many other projects offer art related sneak peeks into the development process, but I don’t actually know of another project […]

Lessons from the Corporate America Kickstarter

Last time on “Lessons…” So, before I get into the heart of the topic of today’s post (stuff I didn’t do so well with the Corporate America Kickstarter), I wanted to talk a bit about my last post. When I wrote the post, I was intending to be funny. Looking back on the post, I think […]

Lessons from Other Kickstarters

Wow, has it really been a month and a half since my last blog post? Yowza. That’s what I call the definition of unacceptable. In my defense, though, a lot of the delay came from trying to pack as much punch into the final version of Corporate America as possible. I needed to get it […]